Background: In our culture today, the lines have blurred between need and provision. God doesn’t promise to provide us with the latest gadgets, biggest house, or fanciest car. However, His Word does promise us He will provide all that we…Continue Reading →
Background: God called Abram (later renamed Abraham) to leave his native country, his relatives, and his father’s family without knowing exactly where God was leading him. And yet, by faith Abraham obeyed. His life of faith demonstrates seasons of both…Continue Reading →
Background: As loneliness and isolation are increasingly common in our Western culture, it seems as if friendship is a dying art. Today, on average, fewer people live in each home, and they eat more meals alone and say they have…Continue Reading →
Background: This week we explore God’s promises to us regarding purpose. We will hold up Nehemiah’s exemplary faithfulness in following God’s purpose in his life. God used Nehemiah’s vision and lay leadership abilities to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, offering…Continue Reading →
Background: After wandering in the desert for 40 years with seemingly no direction or guidance, the children of Israel are, at last, about to enter Canaan—the land God promised them. Joshua completes what Moses began! Moses was dead, but God’s…Continue Reading →
(There is no video for this lesson.) Background: The Bible does not leave us wondering what God thinks about grief and joy. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us we will have many trials and sorrows in this world, but the… Continue Reading →
Jesus Is the Resurrection and the Life The character of Jesus Christ is foundational to His precious promises. The word Selah is frequently used in the Old Testament (71 times in Psalms; 3 times in Habakkuk) to indicate a pause,…Continue Reading →
Background: Discerning is an adjective that comes from the Old French discerner, meaning to “distinguish (between), separate (by sifting).” More than an accumulation of knowledge, it is indeed the art of distinguishing and separating the right from the wrong, combined…Continue Reading →
Background: This week we explore God’s promises to us regarding holiness. Ezra exemplifies a life committed to God’s promise of holiness. Ezra was a priest and scribe who was grieved to discover that, while in Babylon, God’s people had strayed…Continue Reading →
Memory Verse: “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are…Continue Reading →
Background: We live in a world where the demands for our time and attention seem to be unending—our jobs, health, family, friends, and even ministry can easily overwhelm us. However, stress is a common human experience as shown in many…Continue Reading →
Background: John Stott teaches, “Faith’s only function is to receive what grace offers.” Grace and faith are intimately woven together in the person of Jesus Christ. Your movement to the life of faith from the life of unbelief is a…Continue Reading →
Foundations: Grounded on God's Promises No matter what season of life you are in or what you are going through, God’s Word has promises for you! You are never alone, forgotten, or without hope when you rest on the promises…Continue Reading →
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