Background: There is a remarkable similarity between the first two chapters in Genesis and the last two in Revelation. What is significant about them to you? Memory Verse: And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the… Continue Reading →
Background: In Revelation 21 and 22, the description of the New Jerusalem emphasizes God’s glory, which is the source of light for the city. There are many Jewish references, familiar to ancient Israelites. The features of the city include 12… Continue Reading →
Background: After the millennial reign of Christ on earth and the great white throne judgment, Christ will recreate a new heaven and earth for His redeemed. John is given a sneak peak into this new creation. There are numerous parallels… Continue Reading →
Background: The false trinity—satan, antichrist, and his prophet—will be judged and sentenced to eternal torment in the lake of fire. The final judgment in history will be the judgment of the unbelievers. Memory Verse: And if anyone’s name was not… Continue Reading →
Background: The thousand-year reign of Christ is bookended by satan’s imprisonment and final defeat. At the close of the Millennium, satan will be freed for a final revolt, which ends with an everlasting punishment in the lake of fire. Memory… Continue Reading →
Background: Chapter 19 can be summarized by two simple, yet profound words—Jesus wins! After cleansing the earth from all unrighteousness, Christ begins His Millennium reign by binding satan in the abyss. Finally, there will be peace, prosperity, and the physical… Continue Reading →
Background: The climactic event of the Great Tribulation is the return of the King. Jesus Christ will return to judge His enemies, end satan’s deception, and establish His Millennial Kingdom on earth. Memory Verse: “On His robe at His thigh… Continue Reading →
Background: Armageddon will be one of the major events in human history. Armageddon will not be one battle. The blood bath will actually be a series of battles, which we should understand as a war or campaign. It will not… Continue Reading →
Background: The earth has endured countless judgments at this point, yet the worst is still to come. The seal judgments affected one-fourth of the world, the trumpet judgments affected one-third of what remained, and now the bowl judgments will affect… Continue Reading →
Background: The seven-year Tribulation is underway. Although the earth has already experienced several forms of judgments, events will continue to get worse. Memory Verse: If this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and… Continue Reading →
Background: In God’s timing, when the Gospel of the kingdom has been preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, the end will come (Matthew 24:14). John the Apostle received a vision of the events of… Continue Reading →
End Times: A Study in Revelation Part II This study is designed to lead you personally to the Word of God so that your life is transformed. Each lesson is divided into five days of study so that daily time… Continue Reading →
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