We are studying the book of Isaiah during the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters. What is so surprising about this Old Testament book is how relevant this book is to our current culture. The culture in Isaiah’s day is very similar to ours today. The people were corrupt and rebellious, and they wanted to push God out of their culture any way they could. Despite Isaiah repeated warning about judgement and punishment from God, the people refused to listen.

In Isaiah chapter six we see some of the most beautiful imagery in all of Scripture as Isaiah describes God’s holiness and seeing Him seated upon His Throne. God is sovereign and in control over all things in Isaiah’s day, presently in our time, and will always be. We can confidently trust God because He is aware, concerned, and in control of us, our culture, our pasts, our families, and our futures. He so desires us to know His Son, Jesus, whom He sent to earth to to die on our behalf, who is seated at His right hand.

Join us in this amazing study of Isaiah.

Fall 2019 Bible Study

banner: Isaiah Part 1

Spring 2020 Bible Study

banner: Isaiah Part 2