Background: While still a prisoner, Paul wrote this letter to his friend Philemon. Philemon was a church leader in Colossae, and his slave Onesimus had run away and was now in the same prison as Paul. Paul had the joy…Continue Reading →
Background: While still a prisoner, Paul wrote this letter to his friend Philemon. Philemon was a church leader in Colossae, and his slave Onesimus had run away and was now in the same prison as Paul. Paul had the joy…Continue Reading →
Background: The early Christians were often viewed by outsiders with suspicion, distrust, and disdain. They were even considered atheists because they would not worship the gods of Rome or Greece. Many labeled them unpatriotic because they would not participate in…Continue Reading →
Background: In Colossians 3, Paul provides his readers with practical ways in which, by God’s grace, they can demonstrate the doctrine he has been preaching. Paul emphasizes that if believers have accepted the message of the Gospel, they will put…Continue Reading →
Background: Last week, we saw how Paul highlighted Christ’s power in both creation and redemption. In this section, Paul addresses the manmade rules and regulations that had begun to infiltrate the church at Colossae. He reminds these believers of the…Continue Reading →
Background: In Colossians 1:1–20, we learned that Paul is writing to believers in the city of Colossae. Paul tells of Christ’s supremacy, of His existence before creation, that through Him God created everything, and that Christ is the visible image…Continue Reading →
Background: Paul presents Jesus as the Creator of the universe, Sustainer of the earth and all its ecological systems, and Ruler over the competing power networks of the world. Paul praises the lordship of Christ in relation to both creation…Continue Reading →
Background: Paul writes this letter toward the end of his life. He is imprisoned (most likely in Rome) and composes this letter and two others, Ephesians and Philemon. The church in Colossae most likely started during Paul’s three-year ministry in…Continue Reading →
Big Enough: A Study in Colossians Mary Dean presents an introduction to our Bible study and inductive Bible study methods. Study Guide Available For the corresponding study guide, please contact Melissa Renner at Reading →
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