Category Covenants

Week Four: New Covenant

This week, we will see how the new covenant mediated by Jesus Christ, the seed of Abraham and the Davidic King is the unconditional means by which all the Old Testament covenants are fulfilled. We will study the nature of…Continue Reading →

Week Three: Moses and David

This week, we look at the Mosaic and Davidic covenants. The call to Israel was to be a kingdom of priests to display the righteousness of the Lord to the world as they kept the law. The covenant with David…Continue Reading →

Week Two: Abraham

In week two of the Covenants series, we look at the Abrahamic covenant in response to what has gone wrong in God’s good creation. God narrows his promise of redemption to one particular man and his descendants who will bring…Continue Reading →

Week One: Adam and Noah

In week one of the Covenants series, we will look at God’s relationship with Adam and Eve, particularly after they disobeyed the command to not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We will see the…Continue Reading →

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