Dear Lord:
Help me to take every thought captive and to surrender my heart and life to You in true obedience and godly humility. Help me to look into the mirror of Your Word and let its truth search out areas in me that need to be rooted out. May I grow in humble obedience to Your ways, and help me to reflect Your love in my walk and word.
I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Memory Verse
“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
Luke 19:10, NLT
Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem came as a surprise to His disciples. They had not understood anything Jesus said regarding His journey (Luke 18:34). Even though they walked with Jesus daily, they were not yet spiritually enlightened enough to grasp the essence of Jesus’ identity and the purpose of His earthly sojourn. Jesus knew that His followers would face uncertain and difficult times as His days on earth were limited. In these chapters He uses parables to teach them how they were to live after He was gone. Luke also gives us an account of Jesus’ triumphal entry as Passion Week begins.
Study Guide Available
For the corresponding study guide, please contact Melissa Renner at