The traditional view of being made in God’s image is that God’s image is displayed in us when we employ certain moral, intellectual, and ethical abilities. However, based on Hebrew grammar and historical ancient Near East context, the phrase translated “Let us make man in our image” can also be translated “as our image,” meaning we are made as little images of God on earth. In ancient Roman times, an emperor would command that statues of his likeness be placed in remote parts of his empire, thus reminding his people under whose authority they were. God has placed humankind (men and women) as living symbols on earth to represent His power and reign. When God makes a woman, she is intrinsically valuable because she bears His image, just as the man does. Ontologically (essentially) equal with her male counterpart, she is made to rule with man over God’s creation—understanding and enjoying her unique role as a minister of Christ in a multitude of ways, including marriage and motherhood.
Memory Verse:
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27, NASB)
In what ways do you reflect God’s image in your daily life?
Study Guide Available
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