As we come to the end of this book, we once again see Paul’s heart. He wants to be in Rome to fellowship with the church there. As we find out in Acts, Paul will eventually make it to Rome… Continue Reading →
Paul begins to close his letter to the church in Rome in these verses. He discusses his past, present, and future missions. Study Guide Available For the corresponding study guide, please contact Melissa Renner at P.M. Session with Marilyn… Continue Reading →
The church in Rome included both Jewish and Gentile believers. Sadly, this diversity caused disagreements in the church. Paul addressed the problem by giving the believers two warnings and an exhortation: (1) a warning against judging one another, (2) a… Continue Reading →
Paul tells us of our responsibilities to serve God and those around us. Here he continues to outline the responsibilities we have toward others by focusing on governing authorities all the way down to our neighbors. Our attitude toward others… Continue Reading →
In this last section of our study, we will focus on how to respond to our faith in Christ. How does our faith become visible to a watching world? Study Guide Available For the corresponding study guide, please contact Melissa… Continue Reading →
In Romans 9:30–10:21, Paul explained Israel’s culpability in their rejection of Jesus as Messiah. Last week, we heard the bad news that Israel had rejected their Messiah. This week, we get the good news: their hardening is partial (11:1–10), purposeful… Continue Reading →
Last week we looked at Paul’s argument that Israel’s present rejection of Jesus as their Messiah does not negate God’s sovereignty or the promises to Israel revealed in His word. Paul uses the analogy of the potter and the clay… Continue Reading →
Free To Soar: A Study in Romans, Part II The book of Romans was written by the apostle Paul in approximately AD 57–58. Although Paul was known as the apostle to the Gentiles, he still felt called to minister to… Continue Reading →
Last week, we looked at the example of Abraham and how his righteousness came from faith and not from works. However, Paul’s focus is not on Abraham’s faith in general but on a specific aspect of his faith. Romans 4:16–24… Continue Reading →
As we learned last week, no one is righteous. Because of God’s faithfulness and what Jesus did for us, though, God sees us as righteous. This undeserved gift is hard for us to fathom—and it was an especially hard concept… Continue Reading →
We have endured the darkness of the first three chapters of Romans, and now it is time for a glimpse of the shining light of hope. Having proven that no one can be righteous before God by keeping the Law,… Continue Reading →
Paul’s entire argument about the darkness of humanity from section 1:18–3:20 is concluded here. Paul cites the Old Testament to charge all humanity with sin, both Jews and Gentiles, preparing the way for the claim that right standing with God… Continue Reading →
In chapter one, Paul writes to believers about sharing the Gospel and his desire to come to Rome to preach the Good News. Chapter one ends with Paul writing about those who rejected God and did “every manner of shameful… Continue Reading →
Romans was written by Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, to the church at Rome. Paul calls a spade a spade with respect to the devastating nature of sin, but he also shares some of the most encouraging passages in Scripture, detailing… Continue Reading →
Romans was written by Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, to the church at Rome. Paul calls a spade a spade with respect to the devastating nature of sin, but he also shares some of the most encouraging passages in Scripture, detailing… Continue Reading →
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