Your power is overwhelming to me. As I continue to read and study Your Word, prepare my heart this week to understand the full impact of what I read. Let me read the text with fresh eyes, knowing You will teach me more about You this week. Increase my faith in You and help me to love You more.
In the name of Christ alone, I pray, Amen.
Memory Verse
“Then [H]e turned to [H]is disciples and said privately, ‘Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.’”
Luke 10:23–24, NIV
Up until this point, the disciples had front-row seats to watch many miracles Jesus performed and to listen to His teaching. Now, they could no longer merely just observe Him and all He was doing. These men were expected to go out and put into practice all they had learned. Jesus wanted them to start applying what they had been taught while being bold in telling others of Him, as His time with them and their physical reliance on Him would not last much longer.
Study Guide Available
For the corresponding study guide, please contact Melissa Renner at melissar@stonebriar.org.