Mary Magdalene is mentioned 14 times in the Gospels. A striking feature in 8 of those 14 passages is that Mary is named with other women, but she always heads the list, implying her significance. In one instance, her name comes after that of the mother and the aunt of Jesus; she stood close by the cross with these women, but because of their relation to Jesus it would not have been fitting to put her name before theirs. In the five times where she is mentioned alone, it is in connection with the death and resurrection of Christ. No woman, however, superseded Mary Magdalene in her utter devotion to the Master. Mary Magdalene was a woman of standing and comfortable circumstances, yet she suffered from seven demons. Seven is the number of “completeness,” implying the suffering was severe. These demons met their Master, Jesus who came to destroy the works of the devil.
Memory Verse:
“Mary Magdalene came, announcing to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord,’ and that He had said these things to her.” (John 20:18, NASB)
What defines your devotion to Christ? How is your life defined and marked by changes only His saving grace can bring? This week, take time to marvel at His power in our lives.
Study Guide Available
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